Connect to more orange track or to other Hot Wheels track sets (sold separately) for tons of exciting, stunting fun! Comes with a built-in dual launcher, two pieces of track and two Hot Wheels vehicles. The Hot Wheels City Nemesis Launcher Assortment features two kid-favorite nemeses - the T-rex and shark - as super-cool car launchers (sold separately). There's also storage space underneath the launcher so you can pack away additional cars and track. Find out Hot Wheels Track Builder Super Launch Set GLC89 from Mattel definitely at the lowest price. Your friends will look in fear as you pull out #1! We love that the Race Case is fully portable and even features a carrying handle so it's easy to take along on trips. Open the trucks cab to reveal the ultimate. Showcasing the final piece of the 2020 Hot Wheels Track Builder Unlimited sets.for now And that is the Super 8 Kit Let’s dive into itHHD Merch - https.

Which vehicles have what it takes to win the showdown? Which one from your entire collection will be the ultimate winner? The Race Case Offers side-by-side racing action and positions to rank your four fastest cars. The Super Slammers Big Rig Launcher lets you dominate air and land as you launch up to four vehicles at one time.